Is a low torque removal threadlocker for small diameter fine threaded nuts, bolts and screws.
Purple low torque removal
Medium viscosity
Prevents corrosion, vibration and provides shock...
Scotch-Weld TL43 is a general purpose, medium-high strength, thixotropic
anaerobic threadlocker. The product cures when confined in the absence of air on
close-fitting metal surfaces.
Is a single component, high strength (permanent) anaerobic threadlocker. TL70 cures when confined in the absence of air between close-fitting metal surfaces.
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Threadlocker TL72 is a permanent, high strength threadlocker formulated to lock bolts and studs up to 1" in diameter. It can be used for high temperature threadlocking (i...
LOCTITE 270 is a high-strength threadlocker for maximum efficacy in the securing and sealing of bolts, nuts and studs to prevent loosening due to vibration. The product serves to permanen...
LOCTITE 222 is a low-strength threadlocker that allows the adjustment of screws including countersunk head screws and set screws. Good on low-strength metals which could fracture during d...
LOCTITE 243 is a general purpose threadlocker of medium bond strength. This threadlocker secures and seal bolts, nuts and studs to prevent loosening due to vibration. The product works on...
Ideal for locking preassembled fasteners.
LOCTITE 290 is a liquid medium/high-strength threadlocker designed for the locking and sealing of threaded fasteners. Because of its low viscos...
Financiado por la Unión Europea Fondos Next Generation
Herrero Bosch S.L. ha recibido una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para la instalacion de placas fotovoltaicas
de autoconsumo en sus instalaciones de Almussafes.
Con esta instalacion Herrero Bosch S.L. inicia la transicion energetica hacia las energias renovables con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia energetica reduciendo
ademas nuestra huella ecológica.
La potencia total instalada es de 8 KW nominales para autoconsumo con excedentes con un coste de 9.548,00€. La ayuda concedida es de 4.296,60€.
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