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Swivel liftings rings
Showing 1 - 10 of 23 results
Por defecto
Double swivel hook + centring DSH +C

Double swivel hook + centring DSH +C

The DSH double swivel hook combines swivel lifting ring and hook in a single element. The DSH swivel hook's self-locking safety latch provides maximum security and the centring system inc...
Double swivel hook DSH

Double swivel hook DSH

The DSH double swivel hook combines swivel lifting ring and hook in a single element. The DSH swivel hook's self-locking safety latch provides maximum security. The DSH security hook is...
Double Swivel Lifting Point + Centring DSP+C

Double Swivel Lifting Point + Centring DSP+C

The double swivel lifting point DSP allows the use of other lifting equipment: passing a cable or rope, adapting a ring with a large eye for those that have hooks out of proportion to the...
Double Swivel Lifting Point DSP

Double Swivel Lifting Point DSP

The double swivel lifting point DSP allows the use of other lifting accessories: passing a cable or a rope, adapting a ring with a large eye for those that have hooks out of proportion to...
Double Swivel Ring + Centring: DSR+C

Double Swivel Ring + Centring: DSR+C

  The double swivel ring DSR has been especially designed to guarantee liftings under load. Thanks to the centring system (+C), the resistance of the axis is reinforced, when the swivel...
Double Swivel Ring: DSR

Double Swivel Ring: DSR

  The double swivel ring DSR has been especially designed to guarantee liftings under load. Its double articulation allows it to line up perfectly with the sling. This swivel ring is al...
Double Swivel Shackle + Centring DSS+C

Double Swivel Shackle + Centring DSS+C

With a high WLL, the double swivel shackle DSS+C has been especially designed for liftings and turnings of heavy loads. Thanks to the centring system (+C), the resistance of the bolt is ...
Double Swivel Shackle DSS

Double Swivel Shackle DSS

With a WLL of up to 50 tons, the double swivel shackle DSS has been especially designed for liftings and turnings of heavy loads. The lifting ring DSS also has a very large shackle.   ...
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Financiado por la Unión Europea Fondos Next Generation
Herrero Bosch S.L. ha recibido una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para la instalacion de placas fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo en sus instalaciones de Almussafes.
Con esta instalacion Herrero Bosch S.L. inicia la transicion energetica hacia las energias renovables con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia energetica reduciendo ademas nuestra huella ecológica.
La potencia total instalada es de 8 KW nominales para autoconsumo con excedentes con un coste de 9.548,00€. La ayuda concedida es de 4.296,60€.

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