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Squares & rulers
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results
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9574 Aluminium Sliding Bevel

9574 Aluminium Sliding Bevel

This Bahco sliding bevel give the user the flexibility of being adjustable to any angle and features steel in steel thread wing nut at the bottom of the handle designed to help avoid the ...
Carpenter's Square stainless aluminum handle

Carpenter's Square stainless aluminum handle

Carpenter's Square with a sliding added on the scale of measurement to make the marking of repetitive action. Bolt also has a mobile that allows you to place the square on the corner of t...
Semi-Rigid Stainless Steel Rule

Semi-Rigid Stainless Steel Rule

Stainless steel blade. Recorded by the two sides to a length of 500mm. Available measures:300mm to 5 mts.
Sliding bevel 9572

Sliding bevel 9572

Blade of cold-rolled strip steel, hardened and tempered, held in the pressurised zink alloy stock by a retaining screw. Mm-scale on both sides of the blade. Blade length:200 and 300mm
Stainless steel flexible rule

Stainless steel flexible rule

Recorded by the two sides to a length of 500mm. Mm and 1/2mm Available length:100mm to 2mts.
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We are a company located in Valencia
with over 30 years experience in
Sector Industrial Supplies.
SHOP BENIFAIÓ: 961 780 109
De Lunes a Viernes de 08:30 a 13:30 y 15:00 a 19:00
SHOP ALMUSSAFES: 961 783 153
De Lunes a Viernes de 07:30 a 13:30 y 15:00 a 18:30
We also resolve your questions
via email.
Financiado por la Unión Europea Fondos Next Generation
Herrero Bosch S.L. ha recibido una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para la instalacion de placas fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo en sus instalaciones de Almussafes.
Con esta instalacion Herrero Bosch S.L. inicia la transicion energetica hacia las energias renovables con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia energetica reduciendo ademas nuestra huella ecológica.
La potencia total instalada es de 8 KW nominales para autoconsumo con excedentes con un coste de 9.548,00€. La ayuda concedida es de 4.296,60€.

PVPS valid except TYPO

HERRERO BOSCH S.L. © 2015 - Tel: 961 780 109

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