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Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results
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Aerosol silicone cleaner

Aerosol silicone cleaner

Cleaner Sealing beads reticulate. Clean silicone beads acid and neutral, MS and polyurethane polymer. Removes traces of fresh sealant.
Aerosol silicone SILKROIL E-1

Aerosol silicone SILKROIL E-1

Mould-release product based on silicone polimers. High lubricant and anti-adherent capacity. Compatible with high variety of plastics and rubbers. High stability under extreme temperature...
High power caulkin gun 198807

High power caulkin gun 198807

Suitable for high viscosity resins and glues.  
Liquid silicon SL3000

Liquid silicon SL3000

400% elasticity. Resistant to ultraviolet rays. 100% waterproof. Completely innocuous. Multiple uses. European technical approval for waterproofing roofs. Available colours:Grey and Orange
Multipurpose acetoxy sealant SILIBAT

Multipurpose acetoxy sealant SILIBAT

Fast curing acetoxy silicone with fungicide, for general uses. Resistant to UV rays. Flexible, it offers a total leak proof performance to joints. Available in translucent and white. App...
Multipurpose sealant SINTESEL

Multipurpose sealant SINTESEL

Multipurpose Sealant in aqueous base. Without smell. Interior and exterior. Paintable. Good adhesion on most of the materials of construction. Good weather resistance. Perimeter Seals car...
Multipurpose silicone sealant K-86

Multipurpose silicone sealant K-86

Silicone Sealant for use general acid resistant to mold. Weather-resistant and aging. Prevents air leaks, water and dust. Excellent adhesion on glass, aluminum, ceramics, tiles, vitrified...
Neutal silicone N16

Neutal silicone N16

Silicone Sealant neutral high-performance sealed in windows and in construction. High resistance to weathering and UV rays. High elasticity and accession. Heavy duty construction for exce...
Outdoor FireProof Sealant NONFIRE FIREPROOF

Outdoor FireProof Sealant NONFIRE FIREPROOF

Fireproof neutral silicone. Classified until EI/RF 240 S/ EN 13501 and M2 in accordance with UNE 23727 against fire. Grey colour. Applications: Sealant for both indoors and outdoors, wi...
Silicone for bathrooms and kitchens K-93

Silicone for bathrooms and kitchens K-93

Based Sealant silicone rubber acid crosslinking, with - fungicides mold functionsFor the sealing of joints in bathrooms and kitchens (sinks, tubs, countertops, partitions, sinks etc…) gro...
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Sector Industrial Supplies.
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De Lunes a Viernes de 08:30 a 13:30 y 15:00 a 19:00
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De Lunes a Viernes de 07:30 a 13:30 y 15:00 a 18:30
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Financiado por la Unión Europea Fondos Next Generation
Herrero Bosch S.L. ha recibido una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para la instalacion de placas fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo en sus instalaciones de Almussafes.
Con esta instalacion Herrero Bosch S.L. inicia la transicion energetica hacia las energias renovables con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia energetica reduciendo ademas nuestra huella ecológica.
La potencia total instalada es de 8 KW nominales para autoconsumo con excedentes con un coste de 9.548,00€. La ayuda concedida es de 4.296,60€.

PVPS valid except TYPO

HERRERO BOSCH S.L. © 2015 - Tel: 961 780 109

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