
Protexem Rinnova is a cream for the treatment of the skin, without silicone. Easy to apply, it penetrates rapidly into the skin without forming any greasy film. Thanks to its softening, nourishing properties, Protexem Rinnova strengthens the skin naturally, promoting regeneration. Regular use will help the skin to stay smooth and soft, preventing chapping and dryness, so often the cause of professional skin diseases, at the same time maintaining all the natural protective functions of the skin. In practical use, Protexem Rinnova has been found highly effective in preventing professional skin diseases.

Cream for face and hands, to be used after work:

  • nourishes and treats the skin
  • demonstrable soothing effect for stressed skin
  • aids in the prevention of professional skin diseases
  • it is quickly absorbed it contains no silicone

INSTRUCTIONS: Use regularly, especially at the end of the work day. Before applying Protexem Rinnova, wash and dry the skin thoroughly. Then rub the cream on the parts involved to enable it to penetrate completely, between the fingers and on the nails.

CHARACTERISTICS: White cream, iris-scented


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Financiado por la Unión Europea Fondos Next Generation
Herrero Bosch S.L. ha recibido una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para la instalacion de placas fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo en sus instalaciones de Almussafes.
Con esta instalacion Herrero Bosch S.L. inicia la transicion energetica hacia las energias renovables con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia energetica reduciendo ademas nuestra huella ecológica.
La potencia total instalada es de 8 KW nominales para autoconsumo con excedentes con un coste de 9.548,00€. La ayuda concedida es de 4.296,60€.

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HERRERO BOSCH S.L. © 2015 - Tel: 961 780 109

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